2015Access Publishing launches Atascadero Daily News
News website provides locals with daily updates, area-specific news Access Publishing officially announced this week the launch of the Atascadero Daily News. This new website will provide readers with Atascadero news including original stories and reports from local news sources. Local staff writers will be creating original content for the site, and the site will also publish press releases from local groups, organizations and other sources….

2015New publication reaches all of Cambria
It’s great way for Paso Robles businesses to reach the Cambria market Access Publishing, the parent company of the Paso Robles Daily News, is producing the 2015 edition of Your Cambria Phone Book. It’s the only local, family-owned directory serving Cambria, Harmony, San Simeon and the North Coast of San Luis Obispo County. Over 6,000 copies of the new Cambria Phone book will be delivered…

2015Access Publishing raises funds for new bleachers for youth baseball
Paso Robles Youth Baseball volunteers raised enough money to purchase two new bleachers for Sherwood Park‘s Bynum Field. The league had a grand opening ceremony that kicked off the sports season and unveiled the new bleachers early in March. The group raised a total of $8,588 in donations from the community, according to Paso Robles Youth Baseball Executive Board President Tom Seidel. Access Publishing donated $700 towards the…