2019SEO expert Beth Brennan speaks at Paso Robles Chamber breakfast
Access Publishing’s SEO expert Beth Brennan spoke to the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce’s Wake Paso last week and invited the crowd to our upcoming Google Seminar presentation: Hello and good morning! I see many friends and customers in the room, but for those of you I haven’t met yet I’m Beth Brennan. My husband, Scott Brennan, and I own Access Publishing in Paso Robles….

2017Andrew MacDonald joins team at Access Publishing
The team at Access Publishing recently welcomed a new advertising executive, Andrew MacDonald. Scott Brennan, CEO of Access Publishing, has brought MacDonald onto the team to help bring new advertising clients to the company. He will be selling advertising for the Paso Robles Daily News, the A-Town Daily News, the San Luis Obispo County Visitor’s Guide, as well as helping local businesses get found online with Local…

2017Bookkeeper and office assistant wanted
Access Publishing is looking to hire a bookkeeper and office assistant Are you energetic, enthusiastic and experienced? You might be just the office assistant and bookkeeper our team needs. Access Publishing is looking for two part-time employees to be a bookkeeper and office assistant to support our growing business. Job duties will be divided between the new positions. The duties include: processing accounts payable and…
2016Native advertising is an excellent new marketing strategy
Customer engagement increases with content that reads like editorial –Native advertising is sponsored content that is designed to look and feel like the content around it in a publication. It’s a popular advertising choice available in national media like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Locally, native advertising is available from Access Publishing. Sponsored content is designed to blend in with editorial content. Examples…

2016North County Access getting ready to print
Diversify marketing budget with print and online For almost 100 years, phone books have been a mainstay of advertising for small businesses. With the rise of online search engines like Google, business owners should be asking themselves if traditional print phone book advertising is still valuable. “Local phone books are still an important part of a balanced marketing strategy,” says Scott Brennan, CEO of Access Publishing, a Paso Robles-based…

2016Access Publishing proudly supports Centennial Pool rehab
Access Publishing donates $2,250 toward community effort to improve summer recreation The Centennial Pool fund raising event, “Everyone in the Pool,” brought the total fund raising to help reopen the pool to $75,000. Access Publishing donated $2,000 toward community effort to improve summer recreation. “We are excited to have been able to this worthwhile cause,” said Scott Brennan, CEO of Access Publishing. “A huge thanks…

2015Access Publishing launches Atascadero Daily News
News website provides locals with daily updates, area-specific news Access Publishing officially announced this week the launch of the Atascadero Daily News. This new website will provide readers with Atascadero news including original stories and reports from local news sources. Local staff writers will be creating original content for the site, and the site will also publish press releases from local groups, organizations and other sources….

2015Access Publishing raises funds for new bleachers for youth baseball
Paso Robles Youth Baseball volunteers raised enough money to purchase two new bleachers for Sherwood Park‘s Bynum Field. The league had a grand opening ceremony that kicked off the sports season and unveiled the new bleachers early in March. The group raised a total of $8,588 in donations from the community, according to Paso Robles Youth Baseball Executive Board President Tom Seidel. Access Publishing donated $700 towards the…

2015Access Publishing accepting applications for full-time writer
Job Title: Writer, Reporter, Copy Editor Access Publishing is seeking an applicant to fill the position of Writer, Reporter & Copy Editor. This position is responsible for reporting, writing and copy editing for our business clients. This includes writing blogs, web content, marketing pieces, newsletters, press releases and more. In addition to writing for clients, about half of this position’s time will be filled with…