2019Local business people learn how to rank in Google search
Access Publishing hosted an SEO seminar on Friday to help local businesses and organizations improve their online marketing presence and rank in Google search results. What is SEO? “It’s called search engine optimization,” says online marketing expert and speaker Beth Brennan. “Search engines are simple, they read content and sort that content by what they think is most valuable. They determine what’s most valuable using…

2019SEO expert Beth Brennan speaks at Paso Robles Chamber breakfast
Access Publishing’s SEO expert Beth Brennan spoke to the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce’s Wake Paso last week and invited the crowd to our upcoming Google Seminar presentation: Hello and good morning! I see many friends and customers in the room, but for those of you I haven’t met yet I’m Beth Brennan. My husband, Scott Brennan, and I own Access Publishing in Paso Robles….